Compass Bridge Loan Service

Compass Bridge Loan Service

  • Jessica Richardson
  • 06/27/20

A simple to bridge the gap between the home you have and the home you want.

Compass Bridge Loan Services
gets you access to competitive rates and dedicated support from industry-leading lenders, with the exclusive option to get up to six months of your loan payments fronted with you sell your home with me.

How does it work?

  1. Work with me to find your dream home.
  2. Apply and get approved for a bridge loan with the lender of your choice.
  3. Work with me to get the first six months of your bridge loan payments fronted.
  4. Move into your new home while I work to sell your current home for more money.
  5. When your old home sells, simply use the proceeds to pay back the bridge loan and any fronted monthly payments.

If you’ve been thinking of making a move but aren’t sure how to make the timing work, let’s discuss. Compass Bridge Loan Services could help you make the right move at the right time.

Let’s Talk!

Whether you have a general question, you want to talk about how I can help you find your dream home, or you want to begin the conversation about how you can get your home sold faster than you think possible… you’re in the right place.

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